Friday, December 26, 2008


We had a great Christmas! I hope Santa was good to you all. I will have pictures up soon, but you will have to wait because my laptop is broken and being fixed. (I am bumming computer time from my parents.)

Anna was a blast and really got into opening presents this year. She loved everything and was so dramatic. I will update soon with more and pictures.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008!!!!

It almost does not feel like Thanksgiving today, because this year has flown by. The weather is warm and humid, not the cool Thanksgiving weather I wish we would have. But, I am so thankful for so many things. Here are just few to jot down today:

My family (Anna & David)
Our great health
Our secure jobs
Our home
My friends

I hope you all have a great day and take time to slow down and be thankful. Don't eat too much!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Anna & Brock- Her first "boyfriend". Her dad would beg to differ, but we think it is so cute. He made sure she got where she needed to go and got candy. How sweet!!!

Dad enjoying Halloween

Ladybug (Miriam), Purple Princess Fairy (Anna) and Fisherman (Brock)

Anna is so animated. This is her showing/signing "scared". It is hilarious.


Front of house (It actually has been completed, just getting around to post these pictures!!! I will update with new ones this week. )

The brick is Old Chatanooga. I just love it. It is so beautiful in person.

Our brick layers are awesome. We did soldier courses along the top of the house and ribbon courses around the windows and doors.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I have started FACEBOOK. Never thought I would, but let me tell you it is addicting and fun to keep up with all of your friends you may not see all the time or have not seen a long while. Try it and add me as a friend.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

WE HAVE WALLS- Phase 2 & Finish

Front Door

Looking from the carport to the back porch and master bedroom

Looking from the living room to the kitchen and keeping area... We are going to brick the arch... One of my favorite pieces...

Anna. The picture says it all...

Master bathroom- The new thing in tubs is the "air tub". Can't wait to try it. Much better than the old jet styles that you can never keep clean. It works like the jet tub, except it has approx 100 tiny holes around the bottom of the tub that blows air for bubbles, but also once all the water has drained it blows water to clean the holes and dry the tub. It also has a heated back rest. I don't know if I will ever get out...

Front... We are roofing and bricking this week... Hopefully no rain.

Master bedroom, 9 foot ceilings with a 10 foot tray cut out

Looking from the kitchen into the living room, the fireplace is in the middle. We will have custom built ins on both sides.

Looking from the back porch into the living room and kitchen. You can see part of the arched opening into the dining room to the right.

Anna knows this is HER house. She loves going work at the lot...

Anna's Second Birthday Party

Anna loved her cake!!! (So did mom... lol)

Trampoline- 2nd year birthday present

Anna loves to sing Happy Birthday!!!

My cousin, Gracie, helping me to paint my pumpkin.

All of our masterpieces...

Pumpkin painting was our treat... The kids loved it.

Which color to choose???

Who needs a spoon???? Not me!!!

Wow!!! A tent and tunnel, just we needed in a 900 sf house... But, it is cute put together.

My first piggy bank.

My "plasma car". These are the best gifts.