Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Merry Christmas (Belated) and Happy New Year!!!

2008!!! Wow, I can rememeber going out to a party for 2000 thinking the world was going to be so different, or as other people thought, the end of the world. Well, 8 years later it is the best thing. I have been sitting and thinking of the next year and hope it is a great, fullfilling and prosperous year for our families and all of our friends.

Christmas was wonderful this year having Anna around. She was such a joy watching interact with all of our families, friends and even strangers. (That is another story...) She was spoiled as expected, but we have been good about teaching her early to enjoy the holidays and the REAL meaning.

Christmas Eve was a different story. We spent it in the ER with Anna. She had CROUP again. At 1:45am I could not take it anymore, so we drove to the hospital for a steroid and Dr. assesment. Everything is fine, but it really made for a late Santa morning.

She loves all of her toys and really loves her outside playgym and cookie jar she got from her Aunt Mary and Uncle Evan.

New Year's went as planned. A night of food and fireworks at some friends with all the babies. This year was a little different, the grand finale was at 8:45... lol. Anna liked the colorful lights from the firework, but did not like the boom.

She is such a a chatter box. We are having to watch what we say in front of her. I have said a few things that she has repeated and really embarrased me. I think I will have a talker on my hands. I am very impressed with what a 15 month old can say.

Anna also is starting to use her sign language we have been showing her since she was 6 months old. Her favorites are , baby, cracker, eat, milk and bath. She is now starting to do potty and flushing the toilet. Maybe that is a good sign.

She also has an attitude, which I blame on her dad. LOL She fusses at us all the time and tells us NO all the time. Getting dressed and putting her hair up is now a very big challenge.

Here are some pictures to showcase our holidays: