Friday, May 23, 2008


Lately, I just feel like all is running wild. I got home last night to a MOUND of dirty clothes, a dirty kitchen, dirty floors, unmade beds, unwatered plants (that are starting to die) and toys everywhere. We have been so busy that I just do not have the time or energy to do everything. (David helps a lot, so I will put that disclaimer in now in case he is reading.) Everyday it is work, pick up at daycare, run the errands we have to run, visit family, etc. By the time we get home, Anna may or may not get a bath and it is off to bed we go. I am not complaining because I am so thankful to have the life I do and the ability to do all of these things, but when do you say enough is enough. I am just venting, because this will happen many times again,but it is just so tiring and frustrating. Do you feel that way too?

Working is great, but sometimes it would be nice to have everything done when you get home and not have to do it on your day off or long weekend. I guess I have to work on letting it go a little bit more.

Hope you all have a great FRIDAY!!! and long weekend!!!


Lisa said...

Have you been sneaking into my house??? ;-p

Seriously, I could have written your post (as I stepped over everything in the floor to the computer). And your "may or may not get a bath" comment makes me feel so much better.